Posts Tagged ‘ Sola Scriptura ’

Keith Mathison’s Reply

Feb 16th, 2011 | By | Category: Blog Posts

In November of 2009, Neal Judisch and I posted an article titled “Solo Scriptura, Sola Scriptura, and the Question of Interpretive Authority.” The article provoked a good deal of discussion, the comments now number over 1,200. Our article was a reply to Keith Mathison’s book The Shape of Sola Scripura, and focused on the distinction […]

Desperately Seeking Certainty, or the Obedience of Faith?

Dec 31st, 2010 | By | Category: Blog Posts

Catholics claim that when Jesus Christ established his Church, he permanently endowed her with a Magisterium that can teach infallibly on matters of faith and morals. Protestants deny this claim, appealing instead to the sole infallible authority of Sacred Scripture. Catholics respond to the principle of sola scriptura in various ways, including the claim that apart […]

Episode 15 – The Conversion of Annie Witz (OPC)

Nov 24th, 2010 | By | Category: Podcast

In this episode, Tom Riello, former PCA minister, interviews Annie Witz, a convert from the OPC (Orthodox Presbyterian Church).  Annie’s father is an elder in the OPC church and serves on the board of Westminster Seminary California.   Annie shares her personal conversion story from being a devout OPC member to a Catholic in the […]

Sirach: About a Biblical Book Rejected by the Reformation

Nov 19th, 2010 | By | Category: Blog Posts

One of the seven Old Testament books rejected by Martin Luther and subsequent Protestants was the book of Ecclesiasticus, alternatively known by its “Old Latin” title Sirach. The other books rejected by Protestantism are Judith, Tobit, Wisdom, Baruch, and 1 & 2 Maccabees. Ecclesiasticus/Sirach is found among the Dead Sea Scrolls (three copies to be […]

Sola Scriptura: A Dialogue between Michael Horton and Bryan Cross

Nov 15th, 2010 | By | Category: Featured Articles

In February of this year Ryan Glomsrud, the Executive Editor of Modern Reformation, invited me to participate in a roundtable discussion on the subject of sola scriptura, with Michael Horton, editor-in-chief of Modern Reformation, a co-host of the White Horse Inn, and the J. Gresham Machen Professor of Systematic Theology and Apologetics at Westminster Seminary […]

Is Scripture Sufficient?

Oct 15th, 2010 | By | Category: Blog Posts

There are some Protestant apologists who are making the claim that the early church fathers taught that scripture was sufficient. Some of them are careful to admit that the sufficiency taught by the fathers is a material sufficiency but some of them are asserting that the fathers taught that scripture is formally sufficient.

Episode 14 – A Presuppositional Apologist Becomes Catholic

Aug 25th, 2010 | By | Category: Podcast

Tom Riello interviews Marc Ayers on the topic of his conversion to the Catholic Church. Marc was a ‘disciple’ of Dr. Greg Bahnsen. Hear him tell how his presuppositional apologetic method helped him see the need for a divinely instituted authority, namely the Catholic Church. [podcast][/podcast] To download the mp3, click here.

N. T. Wright, Biblicism, and Justification

Jun 27th, 2010 | By | Category: Blog Posts

N. T. Wright’s Justification: God’s Plan and Paul’s Vision (Downer’s Grove, IL: InterVarsity Press, 2009) is a somewhat polemical response to his Reformed critics, in which Wright summarizes and defends his understanding of St. Paul’s doctrine of justification. For me, the book has proven to be both illuminating and frustrating. This post began as a chronicle […]

Episode 11 – The Canon Question

Mar 27th, 2010 | By | Category: Podcast

Tom Riello interviews Tom Brown on his recent article on the issue of the canon of scripture.   How do we know which books belong in the Bible?  Who has the authority to answer such a question?  These issues are addressed in this podcast episode. [podcast][/podcast] Download the MP3 here.

Why Didn’t Nicaea Address the Canon Question?

Mar 1st, 2010 | By | Category: Blog Posts

Proponents of sola scriptura, especially those who would like to believe that the early Church fathers espoused this doctrine, have an important question to consider. Why didn’t the Church address the canon issue at Nicaea?