Taylor Marshall on the Journey Home

Jul 1st, 2012 | By | Category: Blog Posts

 Dr. Taylor Marshall, Dean and Professor of Philosophy at Fisher More College, will be on EWTN’s The Journey Home program Monday night, July 2nd, at 8:00 EST.  Taylor holds an M.A.R from Westminster Seminary and a Ph.D in Philosophy from the University of Dallas.  Although Taylor has already been on The Journey Home, this new episode will offer a reflection of Taylor’s conversion six years after coming into the Catholic Church.  If you have questions following the interview the combox below will be available for questions. Although Taylor may not be able to answer all of them, other Called to Communion authors may be able to respond as well.  There is also a good chance that Taylor has already tackled the question on his own website, Canterbury Tales


                       (Dr. Taylor Marshall and family)








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  1. Dr. Marshall,

    I was able to catch the second half of your interview the other night. I thoroughly enjoyed the discussion. Thanks for sharing your experiences.

    One thing that resonated with me in particular, as a recent convert from Anglicanism, was your discussion of aesthetic disappointment with the OF Mass. I find myself occasionally missing the Anglo-Catholic high church grandeur… Since I converted, I’ve wanted to attend an EF Mass, but have some trepidation about it: it seems like a great deal of those involved with the “EF community” hold opinions that are somewhat disparaging to Vatican II (which the Holy Father has repeatedly defended, of course), even to the point of flirting with sedevacantism. I’m wondering if this has been your experience, or if you have any thoughts or comments about attending an EF Mass for the first time.

    Thanks again, and best regards.

  2. Hi Ryan,

    I’m not Taylor, and he plays himself on TV :-) However, one thing you might investigate (in addition to EF Mass) is an Anglican Use parish. See here for details.


  3. Fred (#2)

    …one thing you might investigate (in addition to EF Mass) is an Anglican Use parish.

    How lucky you are in the US to have them. Australia is going to get them soon, too – but (sob!) not us in New Zealand. EF are around, but few and far between.


  4. Thanks, Fred! Will certainly take that into consideration. I think we’re settling into a wonderful little neighborhood parish that uses the OF, but it would be nice to have some “smells and bells” once in a while… I’ll take a look at the link.

  5. Well John,

    I would gladly visit one myself, but the nearest is more than 60 miles away. With other parishes much closer than that I haven’t yet managed to make it to the AU liturgy. But someday, God willing…


  6. Dear Ryan,

    You asked about attending an EF Mass for the first time. You might want to see if you can get a copy of the 1962 Roman Missal so you can follow the Mass closely – or you may just want to drink in the beauty and reverence and save the Missal for another time.

    There is no way for me to know what those in the “EF Community” you mentioned might have said, so I cannot discount the possibility that some may be too zealous in their defense of the EF. However, if you have not acquainted yourself with contemporaneous accounts of Vatican II, I would strongly recommend “The Rhine Flows Into the Tiber” – by Fr. Ralph M. Wiltgen. It is not polemical at all and may just give you a little insight into why some Traditionalists hold certain views of what took place at Vatican II.

    Pax Christi,

  7. Dr. Marshall, thank you so much for what you said about praying the rosary. I’ve experienced these deeper understandings from meditating on the mysteries. Just last night as I was praying, it was like a door opened and I saw an aspect of Jesus’ life that I hadn’t before. I was almost disappointed to move on to the next mystery. ;) I’ve been Catholic for just over a year (Easter Vigil 2011), so this is a new development.

    Thank you for sharing your love of Our Lady. It’s beautiful.

  8. Ryan,

    St. Athanasius (www.locutor.net) celebrates Mass at St. Lawrence Church in Cherstnut Hill. Not to bad a drive from where you are on a Sunday morning. They are the only Anglican Use Parish in our area and they are a wonderful. We visited them on a number of occasions and almost made it our home when we came into the Church. The entire congregation converted, Priest and all, from the Episcopal Church several years ago. Our former Anglican Church still has very close ties to them and they even do a joint Evensong every September.

    You will definitely feel at home – it is just like a great high church Anglican Liturgy – only with valid sacraments! So if you need an Anglo-Catholic fix it well worth the visit – and St. Lawrence is a beautiful church.

    Email me if you want more info.


    P.S. If you want to check an EF Mass I have heard good things about the community at Mary Immaculate of Lourdes in Newton.

  9. The video in comment #8 is from the July 4th episode of “Deep in Scripture.” Below is the video from the July 2nd episode of “The Journey Home.”

  10. Dear Ryan M.

    I know what you mean about “oddities” in the EF communities. But think of all the theological oddities and opinions floating around in your typical diocese. RCIA instructors telling people all religions are equal. Priests approving of contraception “if its a matter of conscience.” Nuns involved in new-age.

    If you’re really worried about it just think about how often you’ve heard the Council of Trent and all things “Tridentine” disparaged in the world of the Novus Ordo.

    At the end of the day, it doesn’t matter what a certain group of people think. It’s about glorifying God, seeking humility and sanctity, and fulfilling your duties and state in life.

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