Day 4: Prayer for Christian Unity

Jan 21st, 2012 | By | Category: Blog Posts

A Prayer for Unity through the Joyful Mysteries of the Rosary

The Annunciation

Behold, I am the handmaid of the Lord; let it be to me according to your word….

Merciful Father, grant us an increase in humility, a humility likened to that of our Blessed Mother. May we be quick to respond joyfully to Your voice, Your call, Your leading. May we humbly recognize when we are following our own voice, our own call, our own leading. Grant us the grace needed for the virtue of humility that through it we may ever strive for the perfect unity for which our Lord’s suffering Heart longs….

The Visitation

Mary arose and went with haste into the hill country…and greeted Elizabeth.

Gracious Father, we ask You to increase charity in our hearts so that we would truly love others. May we desire the Good for them always. As our Blessed Mother joyfully brought Christ to Elizabeth, help us to determine to bring Christ, the true Good, to those about us. Forgive us when we act contrary to charity and grant us the grace to do this no more.

Nativity of the Lord

And she gave birth…and laid Him in a manger, because there was no place for them in the Inn.

Loving Father, help us to recognize our poverty. Our lowly hearts are like the poor stable that received the Infant Jesus. We have so little to give. We humbly acknowledge how poor and unadorned is our soul – so unfit to house the Blessed Trinity! Keep us ever mindful of our poverty that we may receive the grace of depending on You always. In our poverty alone, we would drive others away. But by Your grace, we can be one body, adorned with glory and ready to meet You when You come again.

Presentation of the Jesus in the Temple

they brought Him up to Jerusalem to present Him to the Lord …

Holy Father, we desire to live always in Your perfect will. As Mary and Joseph joyfully obeyed the law and brought the Christ Child to the temple, may we experience the joy of obedience to You, never counting the cost, never mindful of the sacrifices, but ever ready to do what You command.

Christ Among the Doctors

After three days they found Him in the temple….

Glorious Father, so long have we desired to find Christ. So long have we sought for Him, just as Mary and Joseph searched for Him when it appeared that He was lost. As He was found by them in His Father’s house, may we too find Him in His Father’s house – which is now the Church. Lead us to this Church where we may be one body, have one faith, and one Lord.

May our prayers rise up to You, Eternal Father, as a sweet offering. Abundantly send us Your graces, as we are in great need of them! Help us to be one body. . .

In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Our thanks to Carol Cross, convert and donor of great spiritual sacrifices to Called to Communion, for accepting our request to write a prayer for this occasion.

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  1. Pope Leo XIII urged Catholics to pray the Rosary for the cause of reconciling Christians divided by schism. See paragraphs 24-28 of his 1895 encyclical Adiutricem.

  2. Bryan and all,

    On my blog, I went through all of Pope Leo XIII’s encyclicals and linked to the ones on the Rosary (11 in total; the most of any pontiff) . Each link to each encyclical on the Rosary includes a quote from the encyclical and a brief reflection. For example:

    2. Laetitiae Sanctae (Commending Devotion to the Rosary)

    “There are three influences which appear to Us to have the chief place in effecting this downgrade movement of society. These are — first, the distaste for a simple and laborious life; secondly, repugnance to suffering of any kind; thirdly, the forgetfulness of the future life…For We are convinced that the Rosary, if devoutly used, is bound to benefit not only the individual but society at large.”

    What more can restore the dignity of simple tasks (the simplicity of the prayer), suffering (meditating on Christ’s life), and the future (“at the hour of our death”) than praying the Holy Rosary?

    You can find the rest here.

    St. Agnes, pray for us!

  3. Brent that is both awesome and convicting!

    ad Jesum per Mariam,

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